
Maneuvering services

Dinazzano Po SpA provides train preparation services (rolling stock, training and verification) in the most important stations, railway junctions, freight ports and intermodal terminals of the Emilia Romagna region, both as a Single Manoeuvring Entity and as a service provider for other railway companies, through its own means and personnel.

Mappa trasporto ferroviario Emilia Romagna

Single manoeuvring operator

Ravenna (RA) Single Manager (ATI with Mercitalia Shunting & Terminal);

    • Description of the plant– In the annex it is possible to take note of the characteristics of the Ravenna plant.
    • Price list– In the annex it is possible to take note of the prices of the manoeuvring services carried out by the Sole Manager of the Ravenna plant.
    • Guarantee System– In the annex you can take note of the system of guaranteeing the minimum quality levels of the services provided to ifs and the related penalty system.

Self-handling and third-party manoeuvring services

  • Reggio Emilia RE);
  • Ferrara (FE);
  • Bondeno (FE);
  • Modena (MO);
  • Dinazzano (RE);
  • Guastalla (RE);
  • Parma Pedrignano (PR).
Servizio di trasporto ferroviario dinazzano po